February 22, 2025

The Common Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms That You Are Likely to Experience During Alcohol Detox

What is Alcohol Detox?

Alcohol detox refers to cleansing the body of the harmful effects of chronic alcohol use. Whenever someone is trying to get help for alcoholism, detox is usually the first step that they undergo. The alcohol detox procedure varies depending on the addict and the degree of their addiction. There are three distinct phases of alcohol withdrawal. The severity of withdrawal symptoms varies over the stages.

It’s normal to feel a little scared after researching on alcohol detox and treatment options. Don’t give up on your decision to seek professional help for your alcohol addiction Please consider this decision an opportunity for self-improvement and restoration. It’s challenging, but the payoff is considerably greater and long-term.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

When heavy drinker abruptly quits or drastically lowers their alcohol use, they may experience a range of uncomfortable symptoms collectively known as alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS). AWS constitutes both physical and mental symptoms. They may range from mild symptoms like nausea and tiredness to more severe symptoms like seizures.

AWS symptoms are constantly assessed and addressed throughout alcohol detox. Examples of AWS symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Insomnia.
• Anxiety.
• Body tremors.
• Nausea.
• Vomiting.
• Headache.
• Irritability.
• High blood pressure.

People experiencing these signs should seriously consider alcohol detox at a reputable rehabilitation center. Delirium tremens is the severest withdrawal symptom (DT). DT symptoms may include but are not limited to the following:

• Seizures.
• Fever
• Extreme disorientation and agitation.
• Hearing things that do not exist (auditory hallucinations).
• Seeing things that do not exist (visual hallucinations).
• Tactile hallucinations such as having a non-existent burning or itching sensation.

In the case of a high temperature, hallucinations, or cardiac problems, you should dial 911 immediately. Seeking help from a medical alcohol detox center can help alleviate the severe withdrawal symptoms.

A Guide to a Safe Detox

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are dangerous and may be overwhelming to a person who is detoxing without medical supervision. These may range from moderate to severe depending on the severity of your alcohol dependence and your current health; therefore, it’s crucial that you see a doctor before beginning the detox process. It’s important to acquire the support you need throughout detox so that you can begin your recovery without any complications.

Alcohol detox can only be beneficial to individuals who are able to quit drinking on their own and have not yet developed a dependency on alcohol. As long as you don’t have a persistent drinking issue, detoxing at home might be a fine alternative; for instance, many individuals choose to do “Dry January” or “Sober October.”

However, because of the potentially fatal effects, home detox is never recommended for anybody with a strong addiction. Going through detox at a medically supervised alcohol treatment facility is always the best choice for chronic alcohol abusers. When you do this, you can be certain that you’ll have the full support of a medical team every step of the way through detox and into subsequent alcohol addiction therapy.

Are You in Need of Professional Help for Your Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction is a manageable condition. The earlier you seek help for your alcohol addiction the better. Alcohol detox is the first and most important stage in alcohol addiction therapy. Numerous facilities across Houston, Texas, offer alcohol detox services. Skyward Treatment Center is one of them. Our caring staff is ready to walk with you on this difficult path. Contact us right away.