March 28, 2025

Visit These 9 Places to Eat in Solo for Those of You Who Love Night Culinary!

Culinary tours are the right choice when in Solo, especially if you do it at night. Guaranteed, you will feel the sensation of eating delicious dishes while accompanied by a peaceful night atmosphere if you have a culinary tour in Solo at night.

There are some places to eat in Solo that are suitable for evening dining, and we will recommend these places here. Want to know what places we recommend? Let’s just take a look at the reviews below:

1. Wedangan Bung Klithik dangan

Solo has many angkringan or wedangan worth visiting. Wedangan Bung Klithik is one of them, which is open until late at night. Wedangan Bung Klithik has a variety of delicious and inexpensive menus. Interestingly, single organ games are also presented here to entertain you while having fun.

2. Sate Kere Yu Rebi

For those of you who like satay, then you must have a culinary night at this place. The satay is made from beef or beef offal, but what visitors usually order is kere satay made from beef offal, such as spleen, tripe, and intestines. Both beef satay and offal will be served with peanut sauce, soy sauce, and sliced ​​cayenne pepper on top. Especially for the offal satay, it will usually be served with other satay, namely sate gembus. Sate gembus is a satay made from tempeh dregs that are soaked.

3. Ngarsopuro Night Market

Besides Galabo, there is also another night culinary center in Solo, namely the Ngarsopuro Night Market. Unlike Galabo, which is open every day, this place is only open once a week, every Saturday from 18.00 – 22.45 WIB. You can find various Solo menus in almost every corner, and eating here will make you enjoy the sensation of eating on a circular seat.

4. Gudeg Ceker Margoyudan

Gudeg is not only in Jogja, because the city of Solo also has it, namely Gudeg Ceker Margoyudan. This gudeg contains white rice, free-range chicken, gudeg, chili krecek, broth, and of course chicken claws on each plate. This gudeg has a savory texture, especially in the rice, with the taste of the spices in each side dish that is delicious and just right. You can taste this plate of gudeg at Gudeg Ceker Margoyudan

5. Fresh Soto Mbak Ronggeng

If you want to experience fresh soto dishes in Solo at night, just try coming to this one place! In this place, you will get a bowl of soto made from beef. The basic ingredients are mixed with bean sprouts, sliced ​​celery leaves, chili sauce, and beef broth. You can also add some existing side dishes such as fried tempeh, tofu, chicken offal satay, and fried beef tripe to make it more stable.

6. Fresh Pond Buntel Satay

Besides Sate Kere Yu Rebi, there is one other satay stall suitable for evening culinary delights in Solo. That place is none other than Sate Buntel Tambak Segaran, which looks like a bundle. This satay itself is made from chopped goat meat, then wrapped in goat fat. The presence of goat fat is what makes this satay shaped like a bundle.

7. Seafood Mr. Petruk

Seafood can also be your evening culinary menu while in Solo. There are several places to eat delicious seafood that you can visit in Solo, one of which is Pak Petruk’s Seafood. Starting from the dish of Padang spiced crab to fried shrimp you can find in this place. There is one seafood dish that is very interesting and you must order, namely Bakmi Godog Seafood. The menu is a combination of Solo’s typical Bakmi Godog with delicious seafood-based toppings.

8. Galabo

Galabo is a culinary center in Solo, where the name Galabo itself is an acronym for “Gladag Langen Bogan”. Galabo was originally a 1 kilometer long public street, then turned into a culinary center over time. You can find a number of special Solo menus in this place, from whip rambak to wedang rondhe. All of these menus are served at night, and are priced at affordable prices.

9. Timlo Sastro

Don’t just taste the strait when you’re in Solo later, but also try Timlo which is no less delicious and distinctive from the strait. Timlo (commonly called kimlo) is a soup made from chicken, shrimp, fish balls, ear mushrooms, tuberose, carrots, andother ingredients. To try a delicious bowl of timlo, you can come to Timlo Sastro, a legendary place to eat that is famous for its very delicious timlo.

Whether your trips take you to a long stroll on beaches, delicious cuisines, relaxing spas and resorts or urban attractions, extra research will give you the best experience for your visit. Get to know more about Solo by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.